Saturday, January 29, 2011

Can't Wait For Spring!

Here is my Victorian Garden as it looks right now.  Can't wait for spring to see my beautiful flowers start to peek their heads out.
And thats a Hawk in front of my window, he swoops down on our birds and bunnies for his dinners.
This is my garden in the summer,  And thats my studio. I'm just posting a couple of my pictures of flowers in my garden.

 This is Bella one of our girls!

And this is Maggie,  our other pug. I was given her when she was a year old. She came from a very bad situation.
 That was 7 years ago, she's so spoiled!
And last but not least is our yorkie Zoey!


  1. This is so breathtaking! Wow, I love your magical is sublime!

  2. Oh that first picture is just beautiful. It's perfect in it's own way with the gate partially open. I love the untouched snow too.
    That is amazing to me that you were able to capture a great picture of the hawk.....everything needs to eat, doesn't it.
    Your garden will be so pretty this spring, and I can't wait to see it, Char

  3. Amazing garden, it looks very inviting, and I love your dogs.

  4. Beautiful garden to sit and think in.Even though they eat our little creatures I still do love the magesty of hawks soaring above.Great photos.

  5. Your garden is so beautiful! And a hawk ouside your window? How wonderful is that!! Whoever could mistreat a little pug like your Maggie should to be tarred and feathered and run outta town. All your furbabies are adorable. And I can clearly see, very happy to have a home with you *winks*
    I'm also totally enchanted by your creations! That little froggie is just about the cutest thing ever! Do you ever make Marie Antoinette? I'd be the first to buy her up if you did...just sayin'....And I'm your newest follower. Vanna

  6. What a beautiful garden in the Spring and the Winter. And I luv that littlefrog he is tooooo CUTE. Thank You for stopping for a visit. Have a great and warm week....Ray

  7. Love the puppies, come see mine. Richard at

  8. Hi Mary,
    I just love seeing your summer garden. What an amazing place. Your sweet little ones are adorable. What a great pic of the hawk. Unreal how you captured it.
    Did I tell you that I am originally from Michigan. Oh yes, born and raised!! It's a small world.
    Thank you for entering my giveaway and good luck. We are bitter cold here and had fresh snow last night on top of the ice we already had. Not used to this and very unusal for us.
    Have a great weekend.
    Hugs XO Celestina Marie
