Thursday, March 3, 2011

Maggies Photo Shoot!

 I thought I would post some silly pictures of Maggie's Photo Shoot that I came across the other day when I was looking  for my pink pictures for Pink Saturday.



  1. What a doll Maggie is....I am still chuckling at her in the hat and the picture of her smiling for the camera! As if to say..."just look at me, aren't I something!" Precious!

  2. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
    I hurt myself laughing!
    The cuteness...can't...take...the cuteness..must...stop...laughing!

  3. Hi Sweet Mary,
    Oh my goodness what a doll baby Maggie is in her stylin pics. She is just too cute. Love the pic in the hat. She could be in commercials. I have the same fabric in drapes as your bedding. Love it.
    Thank you for stopping by and your kind comment about my kitchen redo.
    Have a nice evening.
    Hugs from Texas, Celestina Marie
    p.s. did I tell you that I was born and raised in Dearborn, Michigan?

  4. Oh my goodness!! I have always wanted a pug! My next furry child will definitely be one *winks* Maggie is just about the cutest pug I've ever seen! She's quite the little pin up pup! *winks* Vanna

  5. Hi Mary!
    Thanks for the visit. Your Maggie has won me over and I have become your newest follower.
    I'm also dying to see your ornmanents as I love handmade goodies!!
    Blessings and Hugs,

  6. Hello, we do not know how my son and I laughed! His beautiful pet is a celebrity! and photogenic, it even seems to smile! The hat is beautiful! thanks for giving me your precious photos! Greetings, Rose Marie
