Wednesday, July 25, 2012

My Craft Room

 Meet my old friends that keep me company when i'm working in my studio...........

Al my cockatiel, 18 yrs old

Corky the Quacker, 15 years.

And Chico the African Grey is 15 yrs old.

Maggie is our watchdog.
              She's on a break right now!  

I'm making my little ornaments with clay heads and cotton bodies.
Right now I'm working on Halloween ornaments.

Breaks over!
                Get em Maggie!
                          Good Girl!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Cottage Garden Party

 My dear Goosenecks I left them at my other home or so I thought.
13 years later and they just keep popping up all over the garden!

  My blue Delphiniums.

 Cobalt blue pots on my back patio.

Thanks for stopping by!