Wednesday, July 25, 2012

My Craft Room

 Meet my old friends that keep me company when i'm working in my studio...........

Al my cockatiel, 18 yrs old

Corky the Quacker, 15 years.

And Chico the African Grey is 15 yrs old.

Maggie is our watchdog.
              She's on a break right now!  

I'm making my little ornaments with clay heads and cotton bodies.
Right now I'm working on Halloween ornaments.

Breaks over!
                Get em Maggie!
                          Good Girl!


  1. Hi Mary! Oh what wonderful helpers you have. I'm loving the Halloweenies. I love the spiders!:) Becca

  2. What a great group of helpers you have in your life.
    I am a true over board animal lover. You are blessed !
    Hugs, Amy Jo

  3. Hi Mary, thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. Do your birds say words? Pretty boy and Birdie Numnums comes to mind.

    We are big on halloween here. I look forward to seeing your finished halloween folk.


  4. Hi fun to see you projects in progress.
    Love to see your work, which is just charming.

  5. Hello,

    Well, you create in great company!
    How about that rabbit outside?
    Is it coming in as well? :o)


  6. Hi Mary, Oh what a delight to visit you and your sweet helpers. Maggie watching out the door to the bunny reminds me of my Miss Beazy doing the same everyday. I so miss her. She loved her bunny friends.
    Your new creations look like so much fun. WOW you are a talented girl!!
    Have a great weekend and hugs to your babies.
    XO Celestina Marie

  7. Beautiful birds and good company. We had birds years ago but not now. So you are working on Halloween already, guess it's right around the corner, where has the year gone. Maggie is precious. Thank you for visiting, Lu

  8. Hi Mary, So nice to see you today. I feel like laying down like your precious Maggie. It is 107 here and no end in sight. Thank you for stopping by. You always encourage me with your sweet comment.
    Have a nice evening.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie
