Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My Newest Ornament He's A Frog!

My little Spun Cotton Leapord Frog, just finished him.   He's off to the Mascurade Ball!


Divine Theatre said...

He is so sweet! We received the goose today! Happy! Happy! Happy!

Unknown said...

I so love this frog ... you are a fabulous creator ...

Have a beautiful eve ~

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Mary,
WOW you are one talented lady and I love your frog ornie. What a cutie he is.
Thank you for stopping by, becoming a new follower and your kind comment. I have so enjoyed my visit here to your lovely blog full of wonderful creations.
I am now a happy follower too.
Have a creative day.
Hugs from Texas,
Celestina Marie

Richard Cottrell said...

Just love your frog,Just love him. Richard at www.myoldhistorichouse.blogspot.com

www.MaisonStGermain.com said...

Oh he is adorable. I am a new follower. Did you create him? How fabulous!!!!!
~Debra xxx
Capers of the vintage vixens

Denise said...

I'm not sure if I sent my message to you.I must have been day dreaming or had a senior moment.What I said was:Your a great artist,Thank you for being my 50th follower and I'm your new follower too.If this is my repeat message-oh well; what can I say,

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